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"Our ability to create the life we want depends on our imagination." - Willow Bradner

Hi! This is the part where you want to hear about me. I set up some podcast links and interviews below so you can hear my philosophies and really get to know me.
The quick and dirty is this.
It’s really not about me. It’s about you. This thing I know how to do, the Psychic and the Medium aspect are here to serve those seeking clarity and comfort in times of chaos, grief and just when life is offering up curve balls and you want to see around the bend.

I know what life is like because I’m just like you. Full time human with all the human things that come with it. I’m a mom, a wife, I serve on the PTA, walk my dog, grocery shop and like you I have dreams and aspirations for this life. 
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The only difference between us is I know how to do this psychic thing. And YOU likely know how to do something I can’t do. I’m thrilled to hear what you are into and dive into what curiosities and questions you might be grappling with. 


My psychic works with YOUR Guides, YOUR Angels and yes, I have the ability to communicate with your late Loved Ones who have crossed over. 


It’s my honor to be the go between and help unravel the messages and get you the clarity, confidence, inspiration and understanding you need to live life at your full potential. 

I don’t play like Psychics on TV, because I was a hairstylist for years before I realized my ability. The filter aka ME is super Puppies and Rainbows which is to say- I look for the good news in your life, and if I see a sort of accident ahead my delivery system is the difference between WAZE or Google Maps. In my case I’m like WAZE I help you navigate around those accidents by empowering you to go through or help you avoid it altogether. 


I also believe life is a choose your own ending. Some things in life are your choice. And Psychic showcases those options to help you make clear decisions and not waste too much time worrying or vacillating on which way to go. 

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The way I deliver will have you TRUSTING yourself and your vibes in a way that will leave you feeling empowered and stoked on your life. 


If it’s a loved one you are connecting with I go slow and make sure to validate that I have your person. I do not bring in anyone you haven’t asked for. Our loved ones are so precious and I am very careful in these readings. 


If you need more click through the links below to see the comedy side, the serious side, the philosophies and heart that words on a website can’t really express.

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Moth Story: How I became a Psychic



Look What She Built Podcast with Jaime Rowe



Awaken Together Podcast with Katerina Erickson


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